Join Helium’s IoT Explosion As Senet, X-TELIA Become Roaming Partners On Decentralized LoRaWan Network

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Join Helium’s IoT Explosion As Senet, X-TELIA Become Roaming Partners On Decentralized LoRaWan Network

Worldwide Coverage From Existing IoT Infrastructure Establishes Network Provider Partnerships.

The team is very excited to announce Helium Roaming Services! As a result of Helium’s ubiquitous coverage, public and private LoRaWAN network providers around the world can expand their reach into new markets.

Integrated Dashboard Metrics Showcase Data Credits Balance

The new Roaming dashboard, available through Helium Roaming Services, gives roaming partners full visibility into metrics such as:

  • Last 30 days’ packets and last 24 hours’ packets (updated every 5 minutes)
  • Data credits used in the past 30 days and the past 24 hours
  • Balance of Data Credit remaining

Additionally, the Roaming dashboard allows partners to add users and Organizations as well as enable alerts for instances such as:

  • Low Data Credit balance
  • Data Credit purchase made
  • New Users being added, removed, or updated
  • New payment methods being added, removed, or updated

What is “Roaming”?

Despite the large number of LoRaWAN networks around the globe, the IoT wireless landscape is very fragmented.

However, Helium’s extensive coverage, with over 645K Hotspots in 166 countries, means the network sees a huge amount of non-Helium packets. When network providers enter into a roaming partnership with Helium, this traffic is now able to be forwarded via the Helium Network to these partners, increasing their global coverage as well as driving usage on Helium.

Any compatible device can send data to their home network through Helium-compatible Hotspots without the need for device configurations or firmware updates.

X-Telia Enter Decentralized Ecosystem

In addition to having their usage activity at their fingertips with the Roaming Services dashboard, network providers who roam with Helium benefit from Helium’s expansive global reach, utilizing the network’s aforementioned worldwide (and rapidly-growing) coverage. This in turn allows roaming partners to take advantage of:

  • Access to already-existing network infrastructure with the world’s largest decentralized IoT network
  • The ability to create redundancy in existing coverage areas
  • The capability to enter and expand into new markets globally
  • Seeing immediate ROI without the need to purchase and deploy additional gateways and infrastructure

Read more about how to get started with Helium Roaming Services in the Helium Docs.

A number of major network providers have already become roaming partners with Helium to maximize their coverage and business opportunities, including:

  • Senet
  • Actility ThingPark Exchange roaming hub
  • Techtenna

Roaming Drives Massive Usage

Roaming partners and their customers, such as Volvo Group, Cisco, Schneider Electric, Accenture, and more, will dramatically increase overall usage of the Helium Network and will be important drivers of data transfer rewards for Hotspot owners.

As outlined here, there is more emphasis placed on network usage versus providing coverage for HNT rewards over time.

You can learn more about roaming on the Helium Network here.

Start Roaming with Helium

The launch of Helium Roaming Services represents a major milestone for Helium, and the team is excited to offer these services for network operators looking to expand their networks and connect to new business opportunities on Helium.

Originally published here.